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Writer's pictureALetterToWomen

Week 24: 2 Timothy - Philemon

Hello wonderful ladies!

We are covering quite a few books this time around that carry very few chapters.

We are reading that Apostle Paul encourages his spiritual son, Timothy to move forward with the ministry of Jesus Christ and to defend it at all cost and Paul instructs Titus on how to handle the church of Crete. Paul also instructs Philemon and his members to show some much needed grace to his runaway slave, Onesimus.

Here are your conversation starters listed below for this week. Log in below and respond.

Reflect and Respond:

1. What can we learn from Paul charging Timothy to go forth and minister to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How can we apply it to our own life as a disciple of Jesus?
2. What is the mandate that Apostle gave to the church in Titus 2 to men and to women? And is this mandate being fulfilled today?
3. What did you think of the book of Philemon?

1 Comment

Unknown member
Feb 11, 2020

Good morning all!!! I look forward to learning more and sharing this week especially on the book of Timothy. Have an amazing week ladies.

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